STATEMENT: First home game is ALL TICKETED

North Shields Football Club can today confirm that our first league home game against Consett AFC will be an all ticket affair which must be purchased in advance of the game.

Guidance from The FA has stipulated that every club at Step 5 has a minimum capacity of 1000. The governing body stated clubs have an initial 15% capacity for pre-season games increasing, as long as each Club is comfortable, to 30% for the start of the competitive season. At this time,
this will be a percentage of the ground grading capacity at the Step the host club plays at. The FA will provide further guidance if this can be extended further as and when we are able.

The Committee decided that making the game an all ticket affair after the success of our previous game against Newcastle Blue Star that this is the easiest and safest way to ensure that we only allow the maximum of 300 spectators into The Darren Persson Stadium whilst maintaining club rules and social distancing guidance.

Consett AFC have been given an allocation in this total.

How do I buy a ticket?

Tickets will be on sale from The Daren Persson Stadium at the following times:

Tickets will be available from Sean Mulligan and Steve Arkle at Heaton Stannington tonight.

  • Thursday 27th August – 6pm – 8pm
  • Friday 28th August – 4pm – 7pm
  • Saturday 29th August – 10:00am – 12:00noon
  • Monday 31st August – 10:00am – 12:00 noon and 6pm – 8pm
  • Wednesday 2nd September – 10:00am – 12:00 noon and 6pm – 8pm
  • Thursday 3rd September – 10:00am – 12:00 noon and 6pm – 8pm
  • Friday 4th September – 10:00am – 12:00 noon and 6pm – 8pm

Tickets will cost £7 for Adults, £4 Concessions and £1 Children. These will be available until all 300 tickets are sold.

Season Ticket holders have need to collect a match ticket from the ground before using the above times to ensure we only allow 300 fans into the game.

When purchasing tickets from The Clubhouse, fans must adhere to social distancing rules. Each ticket must have individual name and telephone number in line with the Track and Trace policy. Eg – If one individual buys 4 tickets each ticket will be numbered and accountable for an individual which needs their name and contact details. This is in line with the club and government Track and Trace Policy.


All season ticket holders are eligible for 1 match ticket. This is in with the total cost of a season ticket. Please be aware that to ensure we follow our policies that you must come to the clubhouse before the game day on Saturday, where possible to collect your reserved match ticket in order to provide your name and telephone number. This is in line with the club and government Track and Trace Policy. Please note you must bring your season ticket with you to collect your match ticket.

Season tickets are available to purchase and will a match ticket until the 300 capacity has been reached.

MATCHDAY – What happens??

Gates into the ground will open at 13:30 on Saturday for supporters with tickets this will include entry into the clubhouse. If you do not have a ticket you will not gain entry into the ground. The spectators gate will close at 15:00 as the match starts and no supporter will gain entry unless leaving the facility. All tickets will be retained by the club to ensure we have a complete list of attendees for Track and Trace. North Shields Football Club has the right to refuse entry on the day.

Tea and Coffee will be sold from the Tea Hut and The Clubhouse will be open for cold refreshments including alcohol. We ask that you do not congregate in and around the door ways maintaining social distancing and following our Risk Assessment.

We ask if all players, officials, volunteers and spectators undergo a
self-assessment carried out before travelling to the game for any Covid-19- symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in football if they, or someone they live with, has any of the following:
• A high temperature (above 37.8C);
• A new, continuous cough;
• A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste.

If you find yourself with one or more of these symptoms that you stay at home and self-isolate, you request a test from the NHS and contacts NHS Test and Trace.NSFC Return to Football Activities inside The Daren Persson Stadium RA – updated 19.08.20 OPEN HERE

We look forward to welcoming you back to The Daren Persson Stadium and we hope you understand the precautions we have taken to protect the safety of all our Committee Members, Players and supporters.